WHAT DIAMOND WILL DO FOR YOU BACK-UP / ARCHIVING Diamond is a utility for efficient, convenient and rapid back-up and archiving of your data files and applications onto minimum disk space. If backing up and archiving your files is important to you, Diamond can save you many times its own cost in floppy or hard disks, by placing all or part of your hard disk onto the smallest possible number of floppy disks. You can back up files, folders, or even your whole hard disk in one pass. If you wish, you can restore your files in full detail, including file and folder colors, and scroll bar positions. During multiple disk back-ups, full use will be made of all the space available in each disk, whatever file or folder sizes. DISKETTES Diamond provides a convenient way to send files on as few disks as possible, saving you time, money and postage. LARGE FILES Diamond makes it possible to copy very large single files from your hard hard disk onto either single or multiple floppy disks, that otherwise you could not extract from your hard disk. In the case of a large folder, Diamond avoids splitting it to meet the limited space on each diskette. HARD DISK Diamond frees up room on your hard disk by compacting the data you do not need frequently. If you wish, the packed file can have the same name and location as for the source file and vice-versa when unpacking. MODEM Diamond can greatly reduce your modem transmission costs. ENCRYPTION Deny unallowed access to your data. PACKING FILE Packs a single document or application. FOLDER Packs the selected folder, including all folders and files in it. VOLUME Packs the selected volume (name above window), with it's contents (files and folders inside window). If the currently selected volume is a physical disk, then the entire disk will be packed. MULTIPLE DISKS As soon as the current target floppy disk is full, it will be ejected. Insert the next one. Do not change the file name. Label your disks clearly, 1/2/3 etc. The correct order is required at unpacking time. ERASE VOLUME Use this if you want to replace the old contents of the target disk. Warning: Erasing means that you will not be able to recover previous data. The name of the volume to erase appears above the window that displays it's contents. PACKING ON IT-SELF Choose the same name at the same level for source/destination. Disk space occupied by source files will be freed up during compaction. Because the source file will not be deleted until it can fully be recovered from the packed file, your data is safe. SIZE The sizes that appear in the packing progress window tell you the actual physical spaces occupied by the files on disk. You can note a slightly superior gain, these sizes not taking into consideration the space occupied by headers and directories. UNPACKING MULTIPLES DISKS Insert disks in correct order. UNPACK ON ITSELF Choose the same name and location for source/destination. SYSTEM In recreating a System folder, it's possible that the finder will not immediately detect it's a System one. Open the folder, close it. The System folder icon now appears. EXTRACT Rather than unpacking the whole base, you can extract a file or folder from. PREFERENCES FAST - MEDIUM - COMPACT The correct choice of packing speed and associated packed file size depends on your requirement and personal inclination ... For instance, if you want to transmit a file by modem, you would almost certainly accept an extra minute of additional (toll-free) packing time. NO PACKING No compaction at all will be performed. Use this option if you only want to put a large file or folder on multiple disks in a quick way, or in the case you want to put together in one file all components of a folder. If more than one file, note that although the logical size of the packed file will be somewhat larger as the original one, the physical size on disk will still be less, due to sector use. KEEP FINDER INFO Diamond always remembers the type, nature and icon of a file or application, together with any nested folders hierarchies. If "Finder info" is selected, complete finder attributes will be saved, including: Color, Screen location, Folder presentation style (Small icon, icon, by date, etc.), Folder visual size information and Scroll bar position within a folder. The packed file to be slightly larger. MAKE PACKED NAME Appends “∫” to the default packed name. This can be convenient if: • You want to place the packed file in the same folder as the source file or folder without deleting it. • you want to visually differentiate packed files from others. This character will be automatically removed during unpacking if it is present. KEEP DATES Preserves original file creation and modification dates. Causes the packed file to be slightly larger. INCLUDE UNPACKING CODE The packed file can be unpacked stand-alone. Works on multiple disks too. Commercial use needs a license. PASSWORD Used to encrypt the base. Enter 4 characters. Carefully remember them. If you forget it, no need to call. There is really no way to recover the data. The password is neither kept by the program nor by the base.